Thinking about taking loan?
Here are some of the Loan Categories that might suit
Want to deposit your money in to savings account?
Here are some of the Saving Categories that might
suit you.
More specialized loan categories by Banker Dai
Here are some of the Loan Categories that might suit
More specialized deposit categories by Banker Dai
Here are some of the Saving Categories that might
suit you.
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Branches summary of banks in Nepal
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Bank of the month
(On the basis of satisfaction rating by our users)
Bank Anniversary Schedule:
Established: 2057-12-19 B.S.
Laxmi Sunrise Bank Ltd.
Established: 2057-12-21 B.S.
Kumari Bank Ltd.
Established: 2064-01-07 B.S.
Citizens Bank International Ltd.
Established: 2065-02-03 B.S.
Everest Bank Ltd.
Established: 2051-02-07 B.S.
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Ltd.
Established: 2049-03-23 B.S.
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
Established: 2063-03-25 B.S.
Lumbini Bikas Bank Ltd.
Established: 2041-03-28 B.S.
Nabil Bank Ltd.
Established: 2069-04-01 B.S.
Salapa Bikash Bank Ltd.
Established: 2055-04-07 B.S.
NIC Asia Bank Ltd.
Established: 2065-04-09 B.S.
Jyoti Bikas Bank Ltd.
Established: 2064-04-22 B.S.
Corporate Development Bank Ltd.
Established: 2069-05-09 B.S.
Green Development Bank Ltd.
Established: 2066-05-24 B.S.
Sindhu Bikas Bank Ltd.
Established: 2064-06-07 B.S.
Prime Commercial Bank Ltd.
Established: 2058-06-12 B.S.
Narayani Development Bank Ltd.
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